
Phoenix Tour troupe gives fans something to Marvel at during Northern FanCon

May 1, 2019|

(PRINCE GEORGE) The crinoline and cummerbund-clad kids from the Cariboo hope to give all those Cosplay characters something to Marvel at when the Phoenix Tour performs at Northern FanCon on May 5. The troupe’s 19th Century costuming will be a Stark contrast to the legions of Game of Thrones and Avengers fans when they [...]

Phoenix Tour ignites flame of hope for hard-hit Cariboo communities

April 28, 2019|

(WELLS) Like the legendary Phoenix, Cariboo communities have been through ordeal by fire and risen from the ashes to thrive again. So when Barkerville’s Theatre Royal decided to hit the road this spring for a series of rousing musical performances to celebrate the region’s resilience, there was really only one logical choice for a [...]

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